Vanda Orchid


Wikipedia says that the “Vanda species are not plants for beginning orchid enthusiasts and usually require a controlled growing environment to achieve some measure of success in cultivation”.  I feel pretty proud in that I seem to be able to get these to bloom multiple times per year.   I will say that I learned a lot with my first Vanda – I killed it within a matter of weeks.  Guess I’m a quick study.  

Train Tracks

Train Tracks, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

The tracks separate the coastal highway from the bay. We ventured down the steep bank and crossed the tracks so that we could walk along the rocky beach 1/2 mile to a crowded tidal pool. On the return trip we just followed the tracks assuming they were long since decommissioned. After arriving back at the RV and driving through town we saw the Oregon Coast Crawler getting ready to depart. It would have been scary to confront a train.

Heceta Head Light

Heceta Head Light, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

Built in 1894 this 56-foot lighthouse can be seen for 21 miles, making it the strongest light on the Oregon Coast. The assistant lighthouse keepers’ house is now a B&B operated by the U.S. Forest Service

The cape was named for the Spanish explorer Don Bruno de Heceta. In 1775 he and his crew where ordered to explore the area north of California looking for Russian and British encroachment on Spain’s claim to the entire west Coast of North America. Due to the onslaught of scurvy, Heceta and his crew turned back just before the Columbia River, but not before he noted the shallow waters and rocky headland that now bear his name.

Looming Haystack

Looming Haystack, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

Haystack looms over Cannon Beach and acts like a magnet to all nearby visitors. It’s one of the most impressive sea stacks I’ve ever seen. Time, wind and water are the only factors involved in the formation of a stack. They are formed when part of a headland is eroded by the force of the sea crashing against the rock.

Mount Mazama aka Crater Lake

The lake was created approximately 7,700 years ago in a spectacular collapse of the volcano known as Mount Mazama. The lake is about ~2000 feet (650 m) deep making it one of the deepest lakes in the world.

The lake has no inlets or tributaries making it one of the most unpolluted bodies of water in North America. Water clarity has been measured between 80-115 feet! Below 300 feet the water remains ~38 degrees year round.

Afternoon stroll

Afternoon stroll, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

The Silver Falls State Park in Oregon has some fantastic hiking trails. This one is along the rim of the canyon close to the visitors center. We arrived late in the day and the hiking trails were nearly deserted.

Yaquina Head Light

Yaquina Head Light, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

Also known as Cape Foulweather Lighthouse and standing at 93 feet it is Oregon’s tallest lighthouse. It’s a fixed position light which means it doesn’t rotate and still uses it’s original 1868 lenses. It’s light pattern is 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off, 2 seconds on, 14 seconds off.

You might recognize it from the 1977 Nancy Drew Series – “The Mystery of Pirate’s Cove”.

I want your lunch

I want your lunch, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

We stopped along the coast of Oregon on our trip from Cannon Beach to Florence and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. This guy was quite friendly, probably because I shared some of my lunch with him. In return, he agreed to a photo shoot.

Sanibel Light

Sanibel Light, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.

Also known as Point Ybel Light. The Sanibel Lighthouse was built in 1884 at the entrance to San Carlos Bay. The bay was the shipping route for Punta Rassa. In the 1830’s Punta Rassa became an important port for exporting cattle from Florida to Cuba.

The lighthouse was automated in 1949 and still shines brightly today.

Merry Christmas

My friend, originally uploaded by MichaelDuquetteFowler.